- 1. Wardrobe
: a collection of clothes that a person owns or wears
: the clothes worn by actors in films, plays, etc.; also : the department that keeps and takes care of the clothes for films, plays, etc.
: a room, closet, or chest where clothes are kept
e.g. She went to wardrobe for her fitting.
- 2. Isle
: an island. This is used mainly in literature or in the name of a group of islands
e.g. The Australian seas are rife with uninhabited isles.
- 3. Faucet
: a device that is used to control the flow of water from a pipe
e.g. Don't forget to turn off the faucet.
- 4. Leak
: to let something (such as a liquid or gas) in or out through a hole in a surface
of a liquid, gas, etc. : to come in or go out through a hole in a surface
: to give (secret information) to someone so that it becomes known to the public
e.g. Fumes leaked through the crack in the pipe.
- 5. Shovel
: a tool with a long handle that is used for lifting and throwing dirt, sand, snow, etc.
: the part of a machine (such as a backhoe) that picks up and moves dirt, sand, snow, etc.
e.g. The snow was so deep we had to shovel a path to our front door.
- 6. Speck
: a very small piece or spot
: a very small amount
e.g. There was not a speck of dust anywhere.
- 7. Clasp
: a device for holding together objects or parts of something (such as a purse, necklace, belt, etc.)
: a strong hold with your hands or arms
e.g. Can you fasten the clasp on this bracelet for me?
- 8. Embark
: to go on board a vehicle for transportation <the troops embarked at noon>
: to make a start <embarked on a new career>
: to cause to go on board (as a boat or airplane)
: to engage, enlist, or invest in an enterprise
e.g. Millions of Europeans embarked for America in the late 19th century.
- 9. Catholic
: of or relating to the Roman Catholic Church
: including many different things
e.g. She is a novelist who is catholic in her interests.
- 10. Knuckle
: any one of the thick, bony parts (called joints) in your fingers
: a piece of meat that includes a joint from the leg of an animal
e.g. She rapped her knuckles on the table.
- 11. Vacancy
: a job or position that is available to be taken
: a room in a hotel, motel, etc., that is available for use
e.g. School administrators are trying to fill vacancies before the beginning of the school year.
- 12. Sniff
: to take air into your nose in short breaths that are loud enough to be heard
: to smell (something or someone) by putting your nose close to it and taking air in through your nose in short breaths
: to take (something, such as fumes or a drug) into your body by inhaling it through your nose in order to get intoxicated
e.g. She put perfume on her wrist and sniffed it.
- 13. Quicksand
: deep, wet sand into which heavy objects sink easily
: a situation that is dangerous and difficult to escape from
e.g. He is mired in the quicksand of credit card debt.
- 14. Slope
: to not be level : to have a downward or upward slant
: to not be straight : to lean or slant to the left or right
e.g. They sloped our new driveway too steeply and now my car scrapes bottom whenever I back out onto the street.
- 15. Treacherous
: not able to be trusted : showing that someone cannot be trusted
: very dangerous and difficult to deal with
e.g. Discussions about money can lead couples into treacherous territory.
- 16. Backbeat
: a steady pronounced rhythm stressing the second and fourth beats of a four-beat measure
e.g. Economics does not determine history, but it does provide the backbeat.
- 17. Bloodshot
of eyes : having many red lines from lack of sleep, drunkenness, etc.
e.g. If the eyes are severely strained , they become bloodshot.
- 18. Intravenous
: through, in, or into a vein : entering the body through a vein
e.g. Intravenous infusions are also used to administer medications.
- 19. Silhouette
: a dark shape in front of a light background
: a picture of something showing it as a dark shape on a light background; especially
: such a picture showing a person's face from the side
: the shape or outline of something
e.g. My piano teacher has a framed silhouette of Mozart on her wall.
- 20. Intertwine
: to twist (things) together
: to be or become very closely involved with each other
e.g. He's always telling stories in which the present and the past intertwine.
- 21. Insincerity
: not expressing your feelings or opinions honestly
e.g. He forces himself to make an insincere smile.
- 22. Noose
: a large loop at the end of a rope that gets smaller when you pull the rope and that is used to hang people, to capture animals, etc.
e.g. A confirmed bachelor, he vows never to get caught in the noose of matrimony
- 23. Plead
: to ask for something in a serious and emotional way
: to try to prove (a case) in a court of law
: to say in court that you are either guilty or not guilty of a crime : to make a plea
e.g. He begged and pleaded, but she would not change her mind.
- 24. Cord
: a long, thin material that is usually thicker than a string but thinner than a rope
: an electrical wire that is wrapped in a protective covering and used to connect a device to a power source
: a part of the body that is like a string or rope
e.g. She wore the key on a cord around her neck.
- 25. Condolence
: a feeling or expression of sympathy and sadness especially when someone is suffering because of the death of a family member, a friend, etc.
e.g. The governor issued a statement of condolence to the victims' families.