1. Charlotte’s Web – E.B. White 夏綠蒂的網
2. Peter Pan – J.M. Barrie 彼得潘
3. The Giver – Lois Lowry 記憶傳授人
4. The Old Man and the Sea – Ernest Hemmingway 老人與海
5. Thirteen Reasons Why – Jay Asher 漢娜的遺言
6. The House On Mango Street – Sandra Cisneros 芒果街上的小屋
7. The Outsiders – S.E. Hinton 邊緣小子
8. Number the Stars – Lois Lowry 細數繁星
9. A Wrinkle In Time – Madeline L’engle 時間的皺紋
10. Diary of a Wimpy Kid- Jeff Kinney 遜咖日記
「當獨裁成為事實,革命就是義務」(英語:When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a duty.)是源自於柏林自由大學哲學系教授帕斯卡·梅西耶的文學著作《里斯本夜車》以及同名電影作品所翻譯而成的字句,其中該作品主要是描述1974年於葡萄牙爆發的康乃馨革命[1]。而該字句的內容則是改編自法國浪漫主義作家維克多·雨果的名言[2]「當獨裁是一項事實,革命就成為一種權利[3]」(When dictatorship is a fact revolution becomes a right)[4]。
The coronation of Napoleon as Emperor of the French took place on Sunday December 2, 1804 (11 Frimaire, Year XIII according to the French Republican Calendar) at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. It marked "the instantiation of modern empire" and was a "transparently masterminded piece of modern propaganda".[1]
Les Miserable author--蝴蝶夫人、西貢小姐
Arch-: 不倒 e.g. mornarchy
e-: out e.g. elite
The French Lieutenant's Woman is a 1969 postmodern historical fiction novel by John Fowles. It was his third published novel, after The Collector (1963) and The Magus (1965). The novel explores the fraught relationship of gentleman and amateur naturalist Charles Smithson and Sarah Woodruff, the former governess and independent woman with whom he falls in love. The novel builds on Fowles' authority in Victorian literature, both following and critiquing many of the conventions of period novels.[1]
film: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lolita_(1997_film)
Lolita is a 1955 novel written by Russian American novelist Vladimir Nabokov. The novel is notable for its controversial subject: the protagonist and unreliable narrator—a middle-aged literature professor called Humbert Humbert—is obsessed with the 12-year-old Dolores Haze, with whom he becomes sexually involved after he becomes her stepfather. "Lolita" is his private nickname for Dolores. The novel was originally written in English and first published in Paris in 1955 by Olympia Press. Later it was translated into Russian by Nabokov himself and published in New York in 1967 by Phaedra Publishers.