


1.          Surplus (n.)

  1. : the amount by which the amount of money received is greater than the amount of money spent
  2. e.g. The balance of payments was in surplus last year (= the value of exports was greater than the value of imports).

2.          Hieroglyphic (a.)

  1. : a picture or symbol of an object, representing a word, syllable or sound, especially as used in ancient Egyptian and other writing systems
  2. e.g. The mission is named after the Rosetta stone, which provided the key to deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphics.

3.          Incompetent (a.)

  1. : not having the skill or ability to do your job or a task as it should be done
  2. e.g. The Prime Minister was attacked as incompetent to lead.

4.          Cuneiform (n.)

  1. : an ancient system of writing used in Persia and Assyria
  2. e.g. In Mesopotamia, they were written in cuneiform on clay tablets.

5.          Obscure (a.)

  1. : not well known
  2. e.g. He was born around 1650 but his origins remain obscure.

6.          Priestly (adj.)

  1. : Relating to the life and work of a priest
  2. e.g. To strip of priestly privileges and functions

7.          Necessitate (v.)

  1. : To make something necessary.
  1. e.g. These assumptions necessitate different conclusions.

8.          Synagogue (n.)
: A building used by Jewish people for worship and religious study.
e.g. The platform from which services are conducted in a synagogue. 
9.          Reproach  (v.)
: to blame or criticize someone in a way that shows you aredisappointed at what they have done
e.g. He publicly reproached his son for his behavior.

10.      Groundwork (n.)
: work that is done as preparation for other work that will be done later
e.g. His speech laid the groundwork for independence.

11.      Forsake (v.)
: to leave someone, or to stop helping or taking care of them, when they still need you.
e.g. Why have you forsaken me?    
12.      Caste (n.)
: one of the traditional social classes that people were born into in Hindu society, or the system of having these classes.
e.g. I suppose you also have a caste system in your society.    

13.      Legitimate (adj.)
: allowed by the law, or correct according to the law;fair and reasonable.
e.g. Jesus was the legitimate heir to the throne.
14.      Heir (n.)
: someone who will receive money, property, or a title when another person dies.
e.g. Jesus was the legitimate heir to the throne.  
15.      Vulture (n.)
: a large bird that eats the bodies of dead animals.
e.g. Like vulture robbed of their young.
16.      Courtyard (n.)
: A square area that is surrounded by buildings or walls.
The hotel is built round a courtyard, with fountain and palm tree. 
17.      Rejuvenation  (n.)
: to make something work much better or become much better again
e.g. I came back from holiday feeling rejuvenated.
18.      Deceit (n.)
: behavior that is intended to make someone believe something that is not true
e.g. He was enmeshed in a web of deceit and lies.

19.      Census (n.)
: An occasion on which government officials count the people who live in a country and record other information about them.
e.g. All the world should be enrolled in a census.

20.      Commission (v.)
: to ask someone such as an artist or musician to produce a piece of work in exchange for payment.
e.g. Damasus commissioned a scholar Jerome to produce a correct translation.      

21.      Forge (v.)
: to develop something new, especially a strong relationship with other people, groups, or countries 
e.g. Back in the 1980s, they were attempting to forge a new kind of rock music.
22.      Sardonic (a.)
: showing that you do not have a good opinion of someone or something, and feel that you are better than them
e.g. He looked at her with sardonic amusement.
23.       subjugation (n.)
: Forced submission to control by others.
e.g. It justifies women’s normal subjugation in Greek cultural.
24.      Theological (adj.)
: Relating to the study of God and religion.
e.g. The theological study of the person and deeds of Jesus.
25.      Integrity (n.)
: the quality of always behaving according to the moral principles that you believe in, so that people respect and trust you.
e.g. Clytemnestra also defends the integrity of the family.




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